Нүүр хуудас
This is a Vegetarian product. About this item Ideal for deep frying as it preserves the natural aroma of the food Stable at high temp Sourced from the raw groundnuts in the country Buy it with This item: FORTUNE Goldnut Refined Groundnut Oil, 1L ₹22000 (₹/l) Fortune Chana Besan, Made from Chana Dal, 1kg ₹12000 (₹/kg). Grounut Pest Grinding Mill - grounut pest grinding mill GodSend. 13-07-2020grounut pest grinding mill. 1, Colloid mill peanut grinding machine can effectively smash the material, emulsified, homogeneous, warm; 2, Compared with the pressure type homogenizer, the colloid mill is firstly a kind of centrifugal equipment, which has the advantages of simple structure, convenient equipment maintenance and maintenance, and is .... Бэлчээрийн хортон мэрэгч устгах ажлыг 146,5 мянган га талбайд хийнэХортон мэрэгчийг энгийн механик аргаар устгах зөвлөмжийг сумын Засаг даргаас томилсон ажлын хэсэгт газар дээр нь очиж зөвлөн тусал лаа гэж аймгийн Мэргэжлийн хяналтын газар мэдээллээ.. Grounut HS Codes | HS Code of Grounut Import | Grounut HS Code for ExportOur Grounut import data and export data solutions meet your actual import and export requirements in quality, volume, seasonality, and geography. Alongside we help you get detailed information on the vital export and import fields that encompass HS codes, product description, duty, quantity, price, etc.
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